Commencement 2025 Announcement

Commencement 2025

M A Y  1 9 - 2 1,  2 0 2 5
Shrine Auditorium
665 W Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Commencement at California State University, Los Angeles will take place on May 19-21, 2025, at the historic Shrine Auditorium. There will be nine ceremonies over three days. For the academic year 2024-2025, students can graduate at the end of fall 2024, winter 2025, spring 2025, or summer 2025, but Commencement only takes place at the end of May.

To view the full schedule and other details, please visit the Commencement 2025 information page. Commencement notifications to graduating students will continue until May. 

March 24, 2025, at 9 a.m. PT, until April 21, 2025, at 5 p.m. PT.


Until Commencement

Graduation vs Commencement

Graduation and Commencement are two different things. Graduation is when the student has officially completed all their bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree requirements. Commencement is the ceremony in which degrees are conferred and celebrates the achievement of the students who have graduated or will soon graduate during the academic year.

To officially graduate from Cal State LA, students must satisfy all University, college, and departmental requirements for a specific bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree.

Graduation is managed and coordinated by the Graduation Office. The Graduation Office evaluates graduation applications and other educational records, including graduating with honors, for the purpose of awarding degrees.

Diplomas are mailed to the students by the Graduation Office once their final grades have been verified after their graduation term.

For more information on how to apply to graduate, please visit the Apply for your Degree website of the Graduation Office.

Participating in Commencement is optional and not mandatory. If a student chooses to not participate, it does not affect their eligibility to graduate from the University. In addition, participation in Commencement does not automatically mean that the student has graduated.

Commencement is a separate process from graduating. Eligible graduating candidates can register to participate in Commencement in mid-spring. When a student confirms participation in Commencement, Cal State LA will reserve a seat for the student at the ceremony and provide a select number of guest tickets.

The Commencement team (University Events and Protocol) produces and manages the Commencement ceremonies and activities.

Additional Resources

2 graduates at a graduation ceremony.

Graduation Office >>>


The Graduation Office manages and coordinates the graduation process for students, staff, and faculty. They provide services including: academic record maintenance, graduation application forms, degree evaluation, baccalaureate honors designation, and diploma mailing.

Performers at the Black Grad Celebration

Cross Cultural Centers >>>


The Cross Cultural Centers manage and coordinate the Cultural Graduation Celebrations. These celebrations are great opportunities to acknowledge your academic achievements, honor your families, and to celebrate the cultural influences that have contributed to your academic success.

Five smiling alumni posing in front of Cal State LA banner

Alumni Association >>>


The Alumni Association provide official representation of more than 250,000 alumni in matters that affect the general welfare of the University. Through involvement in the Alumni Association, graduates keep in contact with each other and assist the University through a network of various affiliate groups.

Social Media

  • officially a uni grad
    thank you to everyone that has accompanied me on this journey xo #csula


  • Congratulations to my beautiful sister-in-law. I want you know that me and your brother are so proud of you. You have shown us what a smart and beautiful woman you have become. I’ve watched you grow I’ve watch you want give up when things got tough but even tho you always push yourself to finish and never give up. Sister always follow your dreams and continue to reach for the Stars and remember that we will always be there for you. Anna and Alek are extremely proud of you and thank you for showing them a great example and showing them that nothing impossible. We love you so much .. ❤️ Congratulations _leexxia fluffdawgg #bachelordegree #CalStateLA

  • This was one crazy roller-coaster, but I did it!!! 🖤🎓💛 I wouldn't have done it without the support of my loved ones. My family and friends ❤️ To my momma, thank you for never giving up on me and putting up with the stank eyes lol and the attitudes at times. Thank you for raising a strong, independent woman. I love you and will forever be blessed to have you as my mother reynaescobar4448 . To my sister zabet15, thanks for staying up on my sleepless nights to keep me company, making me laugh and keeping me on track when I was over it. I love you guys so much and mean the world. To my dad, thanks for always believing in me and letting me do my thang!!! And of course, my grandmother. Even though you are no longer with me, I know you are watching from above. Trust me whenever I felt like giving up, I thought of you and all your wise advice you always gave me. 💛🎓🖤
    #firstgenerationgraduate #latinawithadegree #csula #csulagrad #communicativedisorders #classof2024 #thisoneisforthebooks

  • we just getting started🥳🎓

    #calstatelagrad #calstatela #classof2024

  • I am pleased to announce that I have successfully completed my Master's degree in counseling. 🥳 I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have supported me throughout this journey. My next academic goal is to pursue a doctoral degree. In the meantime, here are pictures of the Perales'! #CalStateLA #mastersdegree🎓

  • Criminal Justice Major #graduate #calstatela

  • Today I walk to celebrate my masters. Always pursuing knowledge in all areas of life
    📸: portr8.tif
    #graduate #classof2024 #MSW #socialwork #dancerandlearner #calstatela

  • I'm so proud of you rosemoon53 ❤️ ... Your Grandma & Grandpa would be so proud of you too! 🕊🕊 #CalStateLA #Bachelor #ScienceInGraphicCommunication

  • dear mom & dad,

    little lina joined the 20% of Latinos with a bachelor’s degree. thank you for keeping me on the right path and teaching me that it’s never impossible to achieve my dreams. I owe and dedicate this success to both of you. I hope I can keep on inspiring those who look up to me and be a role model to my little nieces & nephews. This is just the beginning for me and our entire family. 🎓✨I love you… we did it!!


  • Couldn’t have done it without all my favorite people! CHEERS TO US GRADS 🎓🥳

    #grad #gradszn #csula #classof2024

  • Finally did it 🤙🏼 on to the next journey 🫡 #calstatelagrad

  • My Lexi is a college grad, future teacher and fully credentialed. Her stubbornness is actually determination and she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to. Now it’s back to elementary school for her. #missvalenzuela #calstatela #csula #classof2024 #urbanlearning #teacher

  • 🎓 Congratulations to all the Cal State LA graduates whose degrees were conferred on Monday, May 20 from:

    🌟College of Business and Economics

    🌟College of Arts and Letters

    🌟College of Natural and Social Sciences

    What an incredible accomplishment. 🎉 Don't forget to capture these unforgettable moments! Find your graduation photos at the link in bio. 📸

    #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationday #memoriesforever #losangeles #LACC

  • Congratulations to my amazing goddaughter xoxo.kasiee on her degree from calstatela
    So proud of you and all your accomplishments!!
    #graduation #collegegraduate #conventioncenter #downtownla #csula #degree #accomplishment #happy #family #goddaughter #compadres #keepstriving

  • #Classof2024 #CalStateLA #civilengineering

  • A surreal experience. Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. No words can describe how proud I am. As a first generation college graduate, this moment means a lot to me and my family. Although, I may not know what the future holds, I will be resting knowing that I am proud to have completed the first set of challenges in life, and to raise my head high welcoming more to come. #politicalscience #calstatela #calstatelagrad #socialscience #law #firstgen

  • May 20, 2024

    One might say I “mastered” it today lol
    But in all sincerity, I graduated with my masters today! What a ride it’s been from Fullerton College, to undergrad at Cal State LA then straight into the masters program! Huge shoutout to my lovely professors and thesis advisor for all their support as it has been instrumental in all I have done. Shout to Dr. Minslow for reading my long journal article and providing support and feedback. Shoutout to Dr. Lamata for having me as his Grad Assistant and helping show me the ropes of teaching and grading and connecting with students (I start my classes with a song because of him). Thanks to Dr. Knighton (not pictured boo) for also being on my committee and giving amazing advice and feedback and also providing me my second on campus job working in Special Collections! (I love special collections because I got to work in the library and it was so cool🤩) and lastly shout out to Dr. Karafilis who has guided me through the entire thesis process and helped me write a thesis I am incredibly proud of.

    Thank you to my family for their endless support and love. I love you all with my whole heart. Special thank you to Steve for being there for me during my imposter syndrome days where I didn’t think I’d make it through the program to being so confident I talk his ear off. I love you🫶🏼 and thank you God for giving me the ability and tools to accomplish all I have so for. All glory and honor to Him because without Him I would have nothing.

    To the end of an era at LA🫡

  • From my little baby to a grown entrepreneurial man. He’s made me proud his whole life; and today was no exception!! Congratulations son! 1 DONE•1 TA GO! Alpha #GRADUATE #blackexcellence✊🏾 #classof2024 #entrepreneur #CalStateLa #usc #college

  • “Family is the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” 👩🏻‍🎓📸#calstatela #calstatelagrad #csula #csulagrad #csulagradphotos #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitphotographer #flashphotographer #calstatelaphotographer #explorepage #foryou

  • Congrats to the graduate! #calstatela #classof2024

  • Bachelors of Music in Music, Spring 2024. 🎹 🦅 #CalStateLAGrad

  • After sleepless nights, mind boggling papers and exams, I am a college graduate! BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATIONS FROM CAL STATE LA #classof2024 #collegegrad #csula #calstatelagrad #calstatela

  • Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” — Aisha Tyler

    #classof2024 #calstatela #graduate #bachelor #latina #1stgengraduate #mexican

  • I’m proud to announce the completion of my undergraduate program at #CSULA. Your boy officially has his BA in Communication: Mass Comm Option, with a minor in Marketing. Shout out to the Class of 2024 and all the professors and classmates who supported and inspired me to reach my goals and show up for myself every day. More importantly, this achievement is dedicated to my mother, Silvia. This one’s for you! Te amo y te extraño.

    #goldeneagle #classof2024

  • My journey at calstatela comes to an official end tomorrow! 2 years ago I graduated with my post-bacc degree in Nutrition Science but post-baccalaureate students don’t get an official graduation 😞 Now I’m graduating as a Master of Nutritional Science!

    I never thought I’d go back to school, but 4 years later, here we are as a RDN with a MS 🎉 I actually loved this year, even though it was a lot of work, I had a blast nerding out on science, gut health, and sports nutrition and learning so much with such awesomely supportive and cool professors and mentors.

    Now back to normal life and doing more of what I love - counseling people on nutrition, health & fitness ❤️

  • Today's the day we celebrate the incredible achievements of our graduates from the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Natural and Social Sciences! 🌟 Join us via live stream at 2 p.m. at the Los Angeles Convention Center as we confer their degrees. Let's give them a huge shoutout for their hard work and dedication! 👏 Don't miss this momentous occasion!

    Watch the livestream of the event at the link in bio.

    #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationday #collegeofartsandletters #collegeofnaturalandsocialsciences #losangeles #LACC

  • Muchas Gracias por preferirnos, es un placer capturar bellos momentos que quedan para siempre.
    Muchas Gracias Jasmin & Yunuhem #Graduation2024 #calstatela #university #jrphotography

  • 🎓 Join us in celebrating the achievements of our graduates from the College of Business and Economics! 🎉 Today at 9 a.m., we'll be conferring their degrees at the Los Angeles Convention Center. If you can't be with us in person, tune in to the live stream of the event. Let's cheer on our graduates as they embark on their next journey! 🌟

    View the livestream at the link in our bio.

    #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationday #businessandeconomics
    #losangeles #LACC

  • Grad Pics #1

    #calstatelagrad #firstgenerationgraduate #lawschoolnext

  • Congrats Brisa!! 🎉🍾

    #grad2024 #graduation #graduated #gradphotos #gradphotoshoot #calstatela #calstatelagrad #laphotographer #laphotography

  • #NEPHEW graduates from #CalStateLA in #Kinesiology. Hard work pays off. On to new challenges.

  • In December 2023, I endured a challenging time in my life and accomplished one of my many goals. I am forever thankful for all the love and support I have received from my friends and family along this journey.

    Y todo lo que soy y sere, se lo debo a mi angel que está en el cielo ❤️

    Peace out, officially a CSULA alumni 👩🏽‍🎓✨ #calstatelagrad

  • Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice done in 3 years! Gracias a dios, a mi esfuerzo y mas que nada al apoyo de toda mi familia! This journey was not easy to accomplish, but not impossible! Mamá y papá este sueño se cumplió! Gracias por todo los amo mucho! ❤️To the friends I made/met through out this journey, you played a huge role on this achievement! To my long time friends, thank you for your support! To the ones that didn’t believe on me, thank you! To my cousin Gonzalo aka Nacho, thank you for being an advisor, role model, supportive person, a Big Brother! This achievement is yours too! AMBROSIO’S ON TOP❤️
    Once an eagle, always an eagle!🦅
    #csula #csulagrad #csulaalumni #classof2024 #goldeneagle

  • I always knew you could do it😊. I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. Congratulations, Babu!🥰

    #calstatela #calstatelagrad #laconventioncenter #mastersdegree #nofilter #computerscience #nofilterneeded #brothers #twining #family #grad #graduate #computersciencegraduate

  • I graduated from California State University, Los Angeles and I couldn’t be happier to meet this life goal. To my Husband, I want to thank you for your support throughout this journey. You have been my strength in getting me to face my challenges. To my Family and Friends, your love and support have gotten me to this point and I couldn’t have done it without you all. #calstatelagrad

  • So proud of my niece Sara on her college graduation day!! 👩‍🎓 Your future is so bright!! Can’t wait to see what’s ahead for you!! #classof2024 #calstatela #baphilosophy

  • Celebrating #calstatelagrad ##calstatela2024

  • Through the highs and lows he MASTERED it all!! 🥰😎👨🏻‍🎓
    I’m fucking proud of myself. 🫶🏽 #latino #latinogang #latinowithadegree #masters #calstatela #classof2024

  • I did it🥹
    My Cal State Los Angeles journey has come to an end. I’m over whelmed with gratitude from all the love and support you all have shown me. What’s next in my journey? Taking it one day at a time and seeing where the Lord leads me. I love you all 🖤💛🖤💛 #CalStateLAGrad #GoldenEagle

  • 👩🏻‍🎓💛🖤 G R A D U A T I O N • D A Y 🖤💛👩🏻‍🎓

    Part 1. Huge thank you to my husband, my girls, and my family.

    #CSULA #MSHCM #csulagrad #CalStateLAgrad #masteredit #hotterbyonedegree


    So so proudly proud of my little bean! Never fails to amaze & motivate me. “Keep flying high” 💕 #calstateLA

  • “What? Like it’s hard?” 😉🫶🏼👩🏻‍🎓

    #graduation #graduated #mba #csula #losangeles #schoolsout #classof2023 #wedidit #levelup #cheerstous #ontothenextchapter #celebration #ontherise #instagrad #instagood

  • I took some graduation photos of alyxsleepi and here are some of my favorite photos! And I have more to share a little later . . . 🎉💖🎉

    But I’m very proud of my bebe graduate! 🥺💖✨

    #calstatela #calstatelagrad #graduate #graduation #photoshoot #photographer #animation #artist #portrait #campus #college

  • #Classof2024 #CalStateLA #civilengineering

  • 🎓 Day 2 of our Commencement festivities is here, and we will be conferring degrees for the College of Education; the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology; and the College of Ethnic Studies at 9 a.m. at the Los Angeles Convention Center. 🌟 For those unable to join us, please tune into our live stream to catch all the action. Congratulations to the Class of 2024! ✨ We can't wait to witness the incredible paths you'll pave post-graduation. 💫

    View the live stream at the link in bio.

    #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationday #engineering #science #technology #education #ethnicstudies #losangeles #LACC

  • Proud Momma today witnessing my boy graduate! You've achieved so much, with an Army enlistment and now a Bachelor's Degree under your belt, hard work and perseverance continues to pay off as you set your mind towards future goals, I can't wait to see where life takes you Juanito, love you very much!! #CalStateLA #Graduate2024

  • Congratulations Gordo!!👨‍🎓🎉 #bachelor #psychology #calstatela #graduation2024🎓

  • it was an honor to be the one to take pictures of my bestie’s auralanea graduation. Big congratulations to everyone who graduated this year ✨ best of luck, in y’alls new beginnings! 🥂
    #csula #calstatela #ucla #ucberkeley #sfstate #usfca #graduation #portrait #photography #graduationseason #college

  • Congratulations to my incredible girlfriend on graduating college and completing her undergrad 🍾🥳 now she’s onto her masters !

  • #CSULA

  • Welp, I earned my masters degree. I did it.

  • We graduated together 💗🐶🍾🎉🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 #csula #csulagrad

  • Beyond proud of my brother and his accomplishments. Next up his masters. #CalStateLA #graduation

  • Super proud of my sister Kassandra from earning her BS in Business Administration 🎓 from CSULA 💛🖤

    #latinaswithdegrees🎓 #csula #losangeles

  • So proud of our newest graduate, Kiana kianuggh graduating today from CSLA calstatela with a BA in Art. #classof2024 #calstatelagrad

  • Today, we proudly celebrate the Class of 2024 from the College of Natural and Social Sciences at Cal State LA. Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance have brought you to this momentous day.

    As Golden Eagles, you embody strength, determination, and resilience. As you step into the next chapter, carry with you the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the unwavering spirit of our community.

    Congratulations to each graduate. We are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to seeing the positive change you will bring to our communities and beyond. Here’s to a future filled with promise and possibility!

    To watch the NSS Commencement ceremonies please go to the link in our bio.

    #NSS4Success #CalStateLA #calstatelagrad

  • Muchas Gracias por preferirnos, es un placer capturar bellos momentos que quedan para siempre.
    Muchas Gracias Jasmin & Yunuhem #Graduation2024 #calstatela #university #jrphotography

  • Mama, I did it! 🎓 🍾

    Cheers to a new chapter filled with the excitement of the unknown #2024grad #csula

  • Together through the ruff times and the good 🐾🎓

    welcometomymyspace 's graduation shoot. :)

    #csula #photoshoot #mdsnap #mdsnapphotography #calstatela  #csulaphotogrpahy  #csulaphotoshoot  #collegephotography  #csulaphotographer  #valleyphotographer #csulagraduationphotographer #csulaphotographer

  • Congrats Brisa!! 🎉🍾

    #grad2024 #graduation #graduated #gradphotos #gradphotoshoot #calstatela #calstatelagrad #laphotographer #laphotography


    📸: theartofnae
    #csulagrad #mastersdegree #2024graduate #calstatelagrad #arthistory

  • Our first student assistant Caren will be graduating this Monday with honors!! Congratulations to all of our Psychology majors and minors. We are very proud of you!
    📸: erika.zambranomorales
    #CSULA #CalStateLA 👩🏻‍🎓🧑🏻‍🎓🎓

  • Class of 2024 CSLA College of Business and Economics sliceofchristian 📸 #calstatelagrad

  • It was difficult but not impossible. Especially if you put effort into a goal, because eventually you’ll achieve it. But if you put your mind, heart, and soul into it, you’ll be unstoppable. And I hope the little young Reign in me, who was just as outgoing and full of wonder, got to see how unstoppable we have become. I hope I made the younger January Reign Roces Regino proud.

    📷: rosiexblackwell

  • About two years ago, I took her graduation photos for her bachelor's. Now we did them again for her master’s 🎓📸
    . #gradphotoshoot #graduationsession #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationphotography #santaclaritaphotographer #santaclaritafamilyphotography #palmdalephotographer #losangelesfamilyphotographer #socalfamilyphotographer #lafamilyphotographer #burbankphotographer #santamonicaphotographer #chatsworthphotographer #sanfernandovalleyphotographer #lacountyphotographer #dtlaphotographer #thousandoaksphotographer #avphotographer #antelopevalleyphotographer #lancasterphotographer #riversidephotographer

  • Congratulations, babu😊 love you most 🥰
    #calstatela #calstatelagrad #laconventioncenter #mastersdegree #beautifulday #mykindofday #cali #myperson #myforever #loveyou3000 #loveyoumost #CA #southcalifornia #southcali #california #southerncalifornia #southcali

  • Officially retiring… 💛 🕵🏻 🖤
    #soproud #proudofyou #proudmoment #twofortwo #criminology #criminaljusticemajor #law #cumlade #csula #graduate #nomoreschoolforever

  • Celebrating 🍾 #calstatelagrad

  • Feels really good that my college career comes to an end. Now it’s time to do something with my degree and keep on striving for the best. #classof2024🎓 #goldeneagle #calstatelagrad

  • We’ve got a MASTER in the house! It feels like just yesterday we were waiting for acceptance letters and now we’re at graduation — and I couldn’t be more proud. If you know Ethan, you know how unbelievably remarkable he is. His kind, selfless nature and commitment to helping others are some of the reasons I fell in love with him, and they’re also exactly why he’s going to make an extraordinary therapist.

    ethanmcmurray, I love you so much. It has been an honor to support and love you through this journey, and I am so proud of you and all the hard work you put in to get here. The world is so much brighter and kinder with you in it, and I can’t wait to continue watching you change and improve lives.

    Please join me in congratulating my incredible fiancé on graduating with his Masters of Social Work from calstatela 🖤💛🎓

    #graduation #commencement #mastersofsocialwork #calstatela #graduation2024

  • 2024 Grad👩‍🎓

  • Got my Masters...Ph.D next? 👀 #calstatela #futurebcba #appliedbehavioranalysis

  • Graduation #calstatelagrad #calstatela2024 #CalStateLAGrad

  • Definitely felt the love today. Thank you to all who were there to support this journey. On to the next one. #calstatela

  • Congratulations to the College of Arts and Letters Class of 2024! 🎓 Each of you has a story and journey that has led to this incredible milestone. As you step into the future, know that the world is full of opportunities waiting for you to seize. Whether you come from Art, Communication Studies, English, Philosophy, Liberal Studies, Modern Languages & Literatures, Music, TV Film & Media Studies, Theatre & Dance, or Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, your passion, creativity, and unique lived experiences are your greatest testaments to all that you are becoming. Embrace the challenges and adventures that lie ahead, and let your voice shine. We're so proud of you and can't wait to see the amazing things you'll achieve as Cal State LA Alumni! Here’s to your bright and brilliant futures! 🌟

    To view our Commencement Photo Gallery, click the link in our bio!

    #Calstatelagrad #ALforALL #CALClassOf2024 #YourFutureAwaits #EndlessPossibilities #ProudMoments

  • I never thought I’d be able to reach this point in my life but I finally did it, I finally graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology!!! I had so many moments of doubt, so many life lessons learned, so many great memories of the people who influenced and motivated me to do better, and so many moments of growth. Thank you to everyone who walked with me along this long and winding path, even if it was just for a moment, you’ve done more than you realize to help me move forward. It took over a decade, and now we finally made it, we did it. Thank you.

    #CalStateLA #Graduation #BachelorsDegree #PsychologyGrad #PsiChiHonorSociety #CumLaude #CSULA #ClassOf2024 #CalStateLAGrad #CSULAAlumni #CalStateLAAlumni #ClassOf2024

  • Repost from celebrate.memories

    My Lexi is a college grad, future teacher and fully credentialed. Her stubbornness is actually determination and she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to. Now it’s back to elementary school for her. #missvalenzuela #calstatela #csula #classof2024 #urbanlearning #teacher

  • 🎓 Congratulations to the MSW Class of 2024! 🎉 Your hard work, dedication, and passion for social work have brought you to this incredible milestone. Your impact on individuals, families, and communities will be profound. Here’s to the next chapter of making a difference in the world! #MSWClassof2024 #SocialWorkHeroes #ChangingLives #mswso #msw #csula #socialwork #csulaMSW #MSWcohorts #csulacohorts #socialworkers #calstatela #calstatelaMSW

  • Finished my grad studies yesterday 🎉- what a privilege to study and research alongside my colegas y profes at calstatela 🩵 when I started the program I was pregnant with Leo, 😆😅. For those of you on the edge of your seat (😂), my thesis is called, "Language Learning as the Vehicle to the Original Matrix of Knowledge: Dual Language Immersion Program Potential within Oaxacan Indigenous Contexts." 🤓 kinda geeky but I'm really proud of it. Bernard deserves much praise as my love, holding down the fort so much and cheering me on 😻

    #calstatela #graduateschool csulatruth

  • #Classof2024 #CalStateLA #civilengeering

  • I finally got my Bachelors in Art🤗👩🏻‍🎓 what a dream it was to walk on stage and recognize all my hard work 🥹 thank you everyone who never let me forget my worth 🥰❤️now on to my next chapter #calstatela #bachelors #latinxartist #ididit

  • I became a journalist because the idea of meeting people and getting a chance to tell their stories is one of the most greatest responsibilities and very fulfilling. #CLASSOF2024! 🎉

  • Graduation day 👨‍🎓🥳🥳‼️‼️ Thank you to everyone who congratulated me! And thank you to everyone who’s ever supported me throughout this journey from my parents to friends and managers who let me leave early or would let me have days off to work on assignments/projects 🫶🥹. Can’t forget all the amazing Professors I’ve had over the years like Professor Joshua Tuthill and Professor Sam Gurry who were constant inspirations and motivators on my animation journey. Also, Professor David Green who really helped me look inward to figure out who I am and what I’m willing to deal with and get out of life and also the to appreciate the sheer impact POC women and members of the LGBT have had on pop culture and media as a whole. There were also great professors at Elac but it’s been too long that i can’t remember their names 😣. But I wouldn’t be here without y’all💕. Also, a special shout-out to my dad automotive_fender_rolling and brother pizzapunkbastard for accompanying me to my ceremony, the Applebees after🍹, and for the graduation bears 🧸🧸🎓 #goldeneagles #calstatela #classof2024

  • From My Deathbed to Graduation Day 👩🏻‍🎓

    Grateful to see today. Who the fuck am I to get a Master’s degree? Lmaoooooo 😎 #latinaswithmasters #ClassOf2024 #CSULA #CalStateLAGraduate

  • “Graduation isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of an endless journey of learning and growth” 👩🏻‍🎓📸#calstatela #calstatelagrad #csula #csulagrad #csulagradphotos #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitphotographer #flashphotographer #calstatelaphotographer #foryou #explorepage

  • After three years, I complete a bachelor’s degree as a first-generation graduate at 20.

    At the end of the summer, I will earn my commission into the United States Army as a first-generation service member.

    Coming to LA was everything I had hoped for and more. Along each step, I have made countless friends, colleagues, and mentors. I am eternally grateful for all the experiences and opportunities I have had. I exit with pure joy with remarkable learning and growth. I am here today to pave the way for the future of myself and the generations ahead of me. I am eager to see what the following chapter awaits with joining the 20% of Latinos with a bachelor’s degree.

    Family, Friends, UCLA Army ROTC, and Cal State LA who have been a part of this journey, I step into this new chapter of life filled with appreciation. The lessons of those who came before me were driven by a commitment to service and today's commencement.

    #CalStateLAGrad #ClassOf2024 #CalStateLA

  • I did it!! Thanx CSULA!

    #graduation #csulagraduation #csula #csula2024 #classof2024

  • 🎓 Today at 7 p.m., we'll be honoring our graduates from the College of Natural and Social Sciences at the Los Angeles Convention Center! 🌟 Join us in celebrating their accomplishments and conferring their degrees. Let's all come together and share in the excitement of this special moment! 👏

    Can't make it in person? No worries! Tune into the livestream of the event at the link in bio. See you there! 🎉

    #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduationday #collegeonaturalandsocialsciences #losangeles #LACC

  • Graduation Day 👩🏻‍🎓#CalStateLA #mastersdegree

  • I am a first generation college student 👩🏽‍🎓 who finished college in under 4 years🏆. Grandma i did it ❤️👩🏽‍🎓. What a bittersweet ending❤️❤️
    #lawschool25 #calstatelagrad

    deuteronomy 31:6 :Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

    📸: josiah.captured

  • '24 👨🏽‍🎓✔️ #Classof2024 #calstatelagrad #calstatela #graduation #losangeles

  • Diploma in hand. World at your feet. Soar! #CalStateLAGrad

  • Congratulations Love ❤️ .. Proud of you .. ❤️

    M.S. HealthCare Management.

    #csula #healthcaremanagement

  • My 22 year old daughter will be graduating university this Tuesday from Cal State LA. There are no words 😶 to say how proud I am of her. My whole life goal was to place her in the the best schools possible. That hard work has paid off. I love my Audrey!
    #proudfather #graduation #fatherdaughterlove #fatherdaughter calstatela #calstatela #calstatelagrad #co2024 #classof2024

  • Another degree under my belt. I must say it has been a journey but I managed to get through it! I hope to show my children to never give up, work hard, and follow their dreams because the sky is the limit. Thanks to my fiancé for her advice and keeping me motivated, grounded and making sure that I give it my all by finishing strong. All this hard work paid off. This is only the beginning. Tambien le quiero dar las gracias a mis padres por consejarme que le siga en los estudios. 👨🏻‍🎓🎉🎓 #bachelorsdegree #bachelorsinsociology #classof2024 #csula #csulagrad #csula2024

  • Congrats to our MS graduates, Kevin, Tony, and Jimmy! #graduation #chemistry #calstatelagrad

  • Did some Grad photos for a coworker,Not bad not bad 🎓 #GradPhotos #Photography #CalStateLA #ClassOf2024 #California #McHenryMansion #McHenryMuseum #Modesto #NorCal

  • The first graduate student in my lab successfully (&expertly) defended her master’s thesis on Friday. Lauren has been an absolute rockstar these last two years, helping build the PROSPER Lab from the ground up. It was very fitting that we had a graduation lunch for her fellowship after - 🎓! Magister Perez coming soon #calstatela #calstatelagrad #mycalstatela

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California State University, Los Angeles | Commencement
All information, including dates and activities, are subject to change. Please read our audio and visual media release disclaimer.

Commencement website updated: February 28, 2025